5 Educational Activities to Keep Your Children Engaged This Bank Holiday

As a parent, you may be wondering how to keep your children entertained and engaged during the upcoming bank holiday. While it’s important to take a break and enjoy some downtime, it’s also a great opportunity to incorporate some educational activities into your family’s routine.

Here are some tips for educational activities you can do with your children this bank holiday:

1. Visit a museum or art gallery

Many museums and art galleries offer free admission or special events during bank holidays. Take advantage of this and plan a family outing to a local museum or art gallery. This is a great way to expose your children to new ideas and cultures, and to spark their curiosity and creativity.

2. Go on a nature walk

Take a break from technology and spend some time in nature. Go on a nature walk with your children and encourage them to observe and identify different plants and animals. You can also use this opportunity to teach them about the environment and the importance of conservation.

3. Cook a meal together

Cooking is a great way to teach children about nutrition, math, and science. Plan a meal together and involve your children in the preparation process. This can be a fun and educational activity that also helps to develop their cooking skills.

4. Play educational games

There are many educational games and activities that you can play with your children. Board games like Scrabble and Monopoly can help to improve their vocabulary and math skills, while puzzles and brain teasers can help to develop their problem-solving abilities.

5. Read together

Reading is one of the most important skills that children can develop. Take some time to read together as a family, and encourage your children to read on their own. You can also visit your local library and borrow books that are appropriate for your child’s age and reading level.


To sum it up, there are many educational activities that you can do with your children this bank holiday. By incorporating these activities into your family’s routine, you can help to keep your children engaged and learning, while also having fun and creating lasting memories.

If you’re looking for more ideas for activities with kids, think about joining our mailing list. We send out a weekly email on Fridays with ideas for activities, crafts, books and additional learning with Questa Kids.

Laura Curtis