Five fun facts for World Earth Day & five fun ways to celebrate!

There’s no doubt that we all need to do a heck of a lot of work to stop environmental disaster but its also important we teach children that there is hope on the horizon and a future – if we act.

Here at Questa Kids, we do all we can to help children understand the world around them, with nature, geography, different cultures and the environment, close to our hearts and theirs in our activities and games.

That’s why we’re an online learning site and that’s why we want to help children and their adults enjoy and care for our planet through the Questa Kids’ world view and adventures for curious minds! 


With over a billion people expected to celebrate Earth Day on Saturday (April 22) here’s five fabulous fun good news facts.

It’s good to know and encourage us all to continue the good work in conservation and being as environmentally friendly as we can!

1.       Animal magic! Butterflies, whales, tigers, bison and gorillas are all fighting back thanks to human help and are said to be growing in population size once again

2.       Human action to restore the ozone layer which started in 1989 is working and scientists predict it will recover in full showing how action to protect our precious climate can work

3.       People are coming together and organising their communities to fight for our planet with clever ideas, whether its building materials that absorb CO2 gasses to the rise in electric vehicles

4.       Indigenous communities have driven two oil companies out of the Arctic and are creating innovative solar solutions and their traditional farming techniques are helping forests in Colombia, California, and the Amazon Rainforest

5.       Deliberately putting buses into harbours and using oysters to naturally filter polluted waters in our seas and lakes, are clever ways to clean up our blue planet


But we all need to keep up the good work and here’s five fabulous things that you can do to mark this year’s Earth Day:

  1. Clean up your environment – there’s litter picking and a host of other on the ground activities you can do, including The Great Global Clean-up event being planned to mark the day

  2. Make outdoor spaces animal friendly – from providing birdfeed to planting pollen creating flowers, encourage and help wildlife as they help us

  3. Recycle, repurpose and reuse so precious resources are maximised. Our crafting ideas are a fantastic way to use up unwanted packaging as well as helping online learning

  4. Wherever possible buy sustainable products, support local enterprises and try and eat what’s in season. Going meat and dairy free, even for a day a week, can make a huge difference and we’ve plenty of recipes here on Questa Kids

  5. Sign a petition, write to your MP, make a noise so your voice is heard. Do it with the kids, writing a letter together will help them understand the issues and that they are not helpless. For example, the petition to stop plastic in the earth’s water is a good way to start

If you want to find out more about how you can be involved, then visit

And Happy Earth Day from everyone at Questa Kids!



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Laura Curtis